Weather4D on Android on how to Pixar

Weather4D basic version is available on Google Play. Free forecasts 24 hours based on the GFS model GRIB files (¹), one evaluation period for 7 days However, you can use all the features without limitation : GFS models, GEM and COAMPS for the weather, FNMOC WW3 for waves and MyOcean for ocean currents and coastal, time range up to 7 days, refreshed 4 times a day. Beyond, a modest annual subscription (10 €) keeps the full functionality of the application.

Well known on Apple iOS devices, this version totally designed for Android adds multi-window display, 1 up to 2 windows according to the size of the screen (²), allowing simultaneous data scrolling of different models for the same area. The power of graphics processors is fully exploited, providing unmatched reading comfort of accurate weather data. A picture worth a thousand speeches, better see this small video capture performed on Nexus 7, to get an idea :


Thereafter, should add fine grid models, and a long-awaited PRO version for offshore sailors. And then, maybe, another very good surprise by next Spring.

(¹) See Forecasting models in the Glossary.
(²) Four windows in the near future for screens 10″.
