AISView displays the AIS Android targets

Expected NavLink, but it is AISView which was delivered on Google PlayStore. No marine mapping or navigation functions, only the display of the AIS targets and their information.

AISView is designed to receive WiFi (or by USB connection) the NMEA from the receiver or your boat AIS transponder data, through a WiFi multiplexer, as the WLN10, the Miniplex-ridengithigh, or the mark iAIS. You can also use a NMEA USB adapter to connect an AIS to the USB port of a mobile device. However this assumes a cable permanently attached to the shelf, What would hardly be practical.

Once installed, AIS and information targets are overlaid on a Google Maps map background. A simple tap on a target to get a drop-down list with the identity, the cap and the point of lowest distance of approximation (CPA). A vector of cap facilitates the visualization of potential collision roads. Maps Google Maps can now be cached when you don't have Internet connection. But even if this function is not used, AISView will display a presentation of radar type with circles of distance superimposed on targets around your position.

AISView provides a tool for calculating distance and bearing, Displays a steering compass showing the current position and heading, as well as the the trace record updated the GPS built into your mobile. Alarms can be set to the CPA, TCPA, and SART AIS (useful for applications MOB).
An option allows, If you maintain an active connection to the Internet, complete the display in real time with AIS information obtained from the web application of tracking AIS BoatBeacon (If it is installed) allowing you to see the AIS targets at the ports or remote sites.

AISView is available on the PlayStore in the price of 8,12 € ($10). Hope it will be quickly followed by a NavLink extension with mapping, as IOS.
